Tag Archives: Barcelona

La Boqueria- Where does the name come from?

24 Apr


La Boqueria is the oldest market in Barcelona (the first historical reference is in 1217). It started when some merchants settled at the gates of the old town of Barcelona in order to avoid paying taxes. Most of them where Jewish butchers and sold “boc” meat (goat).

In 1470 a pig market was held at the market which was called “Mercadi Bornet” at that time. Later it was until 1794 just known as Mercat de la Palla (straw market).

The market was moved several times and in the end it was moved to Las Ramblas and in 1826 legally recognized. In 1835 they decided to build an official structure for the market. On 19th of March 1840 the local market was opened, which is also the Saint Joseph´s day, and that’s why the market is also called Mercat de Sant Josep. The roof we can see today was build in 1914 for the fish market which started in 1911.

The today’s name “La Boqueria” probably evolved from “boc.

Nowadays the people visit the market because of its high-quality food and the diversity of the products. It is one of the largest and most famous markets in Europe.




Cathedral of Barcelona

20 Apr


The full name of the Cathedral is “Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia de Barcelona”. It is located in the Gothic quarter and one of the most famous Cathedrals in Barcelona. Next to the church is also a cloister with chapels, gardens, fountains and medieval tombstones.
What some people do not know is that ever day from 8.45 to 12.45 you can enter it for free.

Sin título

The church was built over 6 centuries, always in a new style. That´s why it includes the baroque, romanesque and gothic style. The latest parts were added in the late 19th and early 20th century, while following the original plan, in a neo-gothic style.

Santa Eulàlia, the patron of Barcelona, is buried under the crypt. In her honor, there are 13 geese (her dying age) in the cloister.

If you pay for the lift to go up on top of the church, you can see 200 gargoyles next to a bull, elephant and even a unicorn.


If you want to learn more about this impressive cathedral and it´s incredible history just join our Old Town Tour (also available in Castellano) from Feel Free Tours! These tours are free of charge and you just give our guide a tip at the end of the tour in order what you find appropriate for his or her service.

Sant Jordi – 23rd April – The fest of roses and books

18 Apr



Sant Jordi Fest

Sant Jordi is a traditional Catalan festivity in honor of their patron Saint George. But what makes it so special, is that it is something unique which combines culture and romantic.

The 23rd April is the anniversary of the death of Saint George.

Furthermore in 1925 Spain declared the 23rd April as a Book Day because this is the anniversary of the death of the most famous Spanish writer: Miguel de Cervantes.

The Fairytale of Saint George

Reggio calabria icona san giorgio martire
Long ago there lived a Dragon in a Town. Because he was hungry the people gave him their animals to eat. One day it was not enough anymore to eat the animals and he wanted to eat humans. The people started to make a draw to find out who has to be eaten by the Dragon. Unfortunately, the Princess got picked and had to go. When she was in front of the Dragon the strong knight Sant Jordi came and thrust his lance into the Dragon. From the blood which dripped on the floor,  immediately a rose grew which Sant Jordi gave                                                                                     to the Princess.


What is it about?

109 La Rambla de Barcelona, Sant Jordi 2016

At Sant Jordi Barcelona and whole Catalonia are full of roses and books. Bookstalls and markets arise all over the city. Some of the hotspots are Placa Catalunya, Las Ramblas and in 2018 the Antiga Fàbrica d’Estrella Damm hosts the Sant Jordi Música 2018 Couples give each other presents. Usually the woman receives a rose and the men a book. But nowadays also friends give each other books.


7 Aug

CKXN1yBUcAAV7zmFesta Major de Gracia 2015 street festival is Barcelona’s biggest, most colourful and most popular neighbourhood festival. The neighbourhood festivals are organised by residents of local neighbours with the aim of bringing the residents and neighbours together in communal activities and events. It’s a wonderful tradition and the Gracia festival is the most famous of all the local Barcelona festivals, attracting over one and a half million visitors each year in August. It has been declared a Traditional Festival of National Interest by the Generalitat of Catalonia and also awarded the Creu de Sant Jordi (St George’s Cross).graciafiestas-23186

This popular festival is organised by the neighbours and families in Gracia and like all Festa Major festivals in Spain and Catalonia it was originally only for residents, but the originality and beauty of the Gracia street decorations has become world famous and now people come from all over Barcelona and from all over the world to experience the annual Gracia festival.Festes-de-Gracia-Barcelona-Mas-Edimburgo

The Festa Major de Gràcia features, like all Catalan festivals, a rich presence of all the traditional cultural Catalan traditions including the “Diada Castellera de Festa Major.” This features  “colles castelleres” which are groups that build up to 7 or 8 storey high human towers or castles, which is an amazing thing to see live. During the festa major there are many opportunties to see the local castellers group – called “Castellers de la Vila de Gracia” – build these amazing towers. On one of the festival nights they build a tower and move it between two plazas, which is called the “Baixada del Pilar Caminat.”


The “correfoc” and “tabalada infernal” are also among the most popular and festive tradtions of all festivals in Catalunya. Correfoc means “firerun” in Catalan andconsists of “colles de diables” – which means “groups of devils” chasing and dancing to the beating of drums of the and spraying out sparks from fireworks attached to forks. The drummers of the Correfoc have their own parade called the “Tabalada Infernal.” There will be also be traditional Catalan “sardanas” folk dancing and other traditions like “bastoners” stick dancing, “trabucaires” shooting “bandits” and “grallers” pipers.festes-de-gracia-actes-amb-foc_0Thanks to FeelFreeTours, you can make free walking tour  through the neighborhood of Gracia, with an expert and specialist guide will explain the history, anecdotes and most of the neighborhood and the party.

For more information:www.feelfreetours.com

More information about festival: http://www.festamajordegracia.cat/

Cine gratis en la playa de la Barceloneta, IV Cinema Lliure a la Platja

3 Aug


Si os gusta el cine y la playa no os podéis perder la ¨IV Edició de Cinema Lliure a la Platja¨. Cuando? Del 17 de Julio al 24 de Agosto. Todos los jueves y domingos a las 21 horas. Donde? En la Playa de San Sebastián de la Barceloneta. La actividad es totalmente gratuita y pretende acercar y familiarizar al público con el cine independiente.  Esta edición se amplía la duración de seis días a doce. Todas las películas han sido proyectadas en salas de cine de Cataluña o en conocidos festivales de cine. Algunos de los títulos que podremos ver este año:

  • Loreak. Director José Mari Goenaga i Jon Garaño. Duración: 100 min. País: España. Jueves, 6 Agosto.
  • Bugarach. Directores: Ventura Durall, Salvador Sunyer i Sergi Cameron. Duración: 95min. País: España. Domingo 9 Agosto.
  • I Need A Dodge! Joe Strummer on the run. Directora Nick All. Duración: 67 min. País: España. Domingo 16 Agosto.

En todos los pases también se proyecta un corto enseñando una forma atrevida, vanguardista y diferente de hacer cine. Tenéis la información detallada de los pases en http://www.cinemalliure.com/